Wednesday, June 4, 2014

[STAP Cell] Ms.Obogata agreed to dismiss the papers

There are 2 papers regarding STAP cell from Ms. Obogata's team, "Letter" and "Article". And they decided to dissmiss "Letter" today.

professor of Harvard University, Dr. Charls Vacanti is opposed to dismiss the paper until now. But he said to Ms. Obogata, "To dismiss the paper also whether it is another way." 

Their lawyer, Mr. Miki Hideo said, "She lost her mental stability. She can not have precise understanding of this situation right now. She decided to dismiss the papers because she had no other choice." 

But she still has a belief in the existence of STAP cell. She said, "Even if we dismiss the paper, the fact is not going away." She hopes to join the verification experiment of STAP cells by RIKEN. "There is no choice but to respond in order to join the experiment."

The papers will be the blank sheet of papers. But her challenge is not over yet. I am still hoping the existence of STAP cell too.

Thank you!

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