A TV show "Waratte Iitomo" started in October 1982. This show aired every weekday at 12 pm on Fuji TV. This show's host is Tamori (Kazuyoshi Morita). The show features a series of regular members who only feature on a particular
day of the week. These regular members are changed periodically. Everyday we can see the different casts and the different programs with Tamori in the show. The system is a kind of fun for us to watch the show. The show is at noon so actually, the workers and the students can not see this TV show. But every Sundays, the show airs the digest version, so those people also can see the TV show.
Tamori attended Waratte Iitomo's 5000th show, giving him the record for the
longest continued hosting of a live television program. His record was recorded
in the 2003 Guinness Book of World Records. Bill Gates has appeared on this show at the time.
But this TV show will be terminated in March 2014 because of a backdrop of a fall in viewing figures. We thought we could see this TV show forever even if Tamori retired.
Fuji TV slipped to third place in the annual viewership of last year. Chihiro Kameyama,
who was appointed the president of Fuji TV in June this year, was hit and series "Bayside
Shakedown" mission as a producer in the viewing rate recovery. According to the officials, Kameyama regime analysis "Waratte Iitomo is a large presence to affect the rating of the day. We can not expect to rise the entire rating of Fuji TV without this decision."
he said. He actually had decided to end the show just after he became the president. It was a very famous and lovely show for us, but the things will change. I hope Fuji TV can make a wonderful TV program in the near future after Waratte Iitomo.
Thank you!
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