Space (the universe) is still unknown. We know about it just a little bit. And also some Japanese products and people are still unknown for some people in the world.
The intent and purpose of Astro Shop Japan is to let people in the world know about the wonderful Japanese products and people. Hence the name of my blog.
The Honda U3-X is a self-balancing one-wheeled electric vehicle designed for personal transport. Honda used Ashimo's technology for this U3-X. It weighs 10 kg (22 lb) and travels at 6 km/h (3.7 mph). It worksin the direction ofmoving thecenter of gravity. This vehicle go to forward, backward, right and left. If you want to change the direction, you use your toe like a ski stick. If you want to stop, bring your weight back to center. So how much is this? Itseems tobecomemore than¥ 500,000 (about USD 4,786) if Hondapiles upthe cost.In order toachieve the light weight,it has to use carbon for the structuresuch asracing cars and expensivelithium-ion
If they replace carbon byaluminumandcarbon, and the
price ofthe batterybecomescheaper, the price is possible to be 100,000 yen. Honda does not haveany plan to put this U3-X on the market now because of the high cost. Even if they can not put their product on the market, Honda have a great attitude to make such a wonderful vehicle like Asimo. I hope we can see it on the market in the near future.
Here is a demonstration movie of U3-X. You can see very smooth movement of U3-X. Do you want it? I want it!
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