[Astro Shop Japan Monthly Summary 1] Summary of August, September and October Part 1 (Book and DVD)
I started this blog since the end of August. I am trying to update some wonderful Japanese products and some Japanese people everyday. So I think I should make a summary of a month. I hope it can be a good things for you to find a nice Japanese stuff again.
Thank you!
Astro Shop Japan Monthly Summary
Mitochonddria are the energy factories of biological cells. It has own independent genome againt human genome. It has been in the cells over hundred million years. It try to occupy the human being to take up initiative. It was so thrilling and scary story but very interesting. I want to introduce more books by Hideaki Sena.
Koishikute (Updated date: Sep 17 2013)
Haruki Murakami's new book "Koishikute (Ten selected love stories)"is now in Japan. The picture is from a japanese news paper. I have not read this book yet but it says he selected 9 love stories of the novelists like Maile Meloy, David Kranes, Tobias Wolff and Lauren Groff etc. And his new love story is in the book! Of course this is a japanese book but I just wanted introduce his new book to all.
Kazuo Murakami [The Devine Code of Life] (Updated date: Sep 17 2013)
Did you know that the bene is not much diffferent between human and chimpanzee? It is only 1.2% different! But the looks and almost everything are different between human and chimpanzee. Because some of the genes of human are ON but those genes are OFF in chimpanzee. The switching of genes makes the different.
A Compass to Fulfillment (Updated date: Sep 19 2013)
Kazuo Inamori has founded and led to global success two giant corporations, Kyocera and KDDI. Also he helped Japan Airlines in bankruptcy in 2010. He excellently could bring Japan Airlines back from the grave.
He has his own philosophy and faith. That is a kind of very easy things to do but people forget or don't believe it. He tells us what the life is, why we are existing, what we should do for our life.
Honey and Clover (ハチミツとクローバー) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Chika Umino. It is also known as HachiKuro (ハチクロ) and H&C. The series was also adapted as a live action movie, which was released in theaters in Japan on July 22, 2006. I actually watched the movie by DVD. It was so warm and lovely movie for me.
"High and Low" is created by Akira Kurosawa. He is a great Japanese film director. The title in Japanese is "Heaven and Hell". One day, Kingo Gondo got a phone call from a guy. The guy said "I kidnaped your son." But his son, Jun was just playing outside. Jun was OK. The kidnapper mistook to kidnap. The boy was Shinichi, a son of Gondo's chauffeur... There is no way to pay the ransom for Shinichi because he is not Gondo's son. But what if the kidnapper killed Shinichi? Shinichi is a best friend of Jun. Gondo has to make a decision.
Totoro (Updated date: Sep 09 2013)

A university porfessor Tatsuo Kusakabe and his two daughters, Satsuki and Mei, move into an old house. Satsuki and Mei met the monsters but they are not scary monsters. I think they love kids and love to play with kids. I believe they are the fairy. If I can, I want to meet them too. The film is good for the kids!
Whisper of the Heart (Updated date: Sep 23 2013)

This movie is very thoughtful and warm. Shizuku Tsukishima is 14 years old girl who is a bookworm. One day, she found out Seiji Amasawa is reading same books at a library which she read already. There were his name on the check out cards of some books which she was trying to read. He is reading a book which she wants to read and she is reading a book which he wants to read. Shizuku is wondering "who is Seiji Amasawa". She got a feeling that she wants to meet him.
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