Kazuo Inamori has founded and led to global success two giant corporations, Kyocera and KDDI. Also he helped Japan Airlines in bankruptcy in 2010. He excellently could bring Japan Airlines back from the grave.
He has his own philosophy and faith. That is a kind of very easy things to do but people forget or don't believe it. He tells us what the life is, why we are existing, what we should do for our life.
"The right things are right."
When you were a kid, your parents and your teachers told you like "don't do the bad things and don't lie". But when we became an adult, we forget the simple phrase and we just don't believe it. If we are the super honest, we might get the damage from the people who lie to you. We think like that. Of course we don't want to get the damage, so sometimes we are against to the right things. For example, this is a kind of small thing but we park a car on the street but the spot is not a right spot to park. We know we may not do that but we do.
"The thoughts will become reality."
The author of "Think and Grow Rich", Napoleon Hill, the author of "The secret", Rhonda Byrne, they said the same things. Also Kazuo Inamori had a same experience in his life. If we think hard about something that we want to do, it will become reality. I actually agree with this. Our current life made by our thinking. If we want to do something, we think about it and we just do it. Our dreams come true.
"After you."
It is an altruistic behavior. If you do a nice things to the other people, they will be a happy and be grateful to you and they will try to do a nice things to you. We can not live alone. We need the people's help. Think about the people and be nice to the people, the people will be a happy and you will be a happy.
Kazuo Inamori tells us those kind of things from his actual experiences. I hope you can get and read this book to have love and peace.
A Compass to Fulfillment: Passion and Spirituality in Life and Business
Thank you so much!
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