Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Kazuo Murakami

Did you know that the gene is not much different between human and chimpanzee? It is only 1.2% different! But the looks and almost everything are different between human and chimpanzee. Because some of the genes of human are ON but those genes are OFF in chimpanzee. The switching of genes makes the different. 

And there are good genes and bad genes. If we can turn ON the good genes, we can have a wonderful life. How can we turn ON the good genes? One of the way is the "laugh", Kazuo Murakami says. And also if you think everything negatively, you might turn ON the bad genes like you might have the cancer. The book is very interesting. I didn't know we can control our genes. Please read his book and turn ON and control your nice genes and have a wonderful life! 

You can buy his book from Amazon!
The Divine Code of Life: Awaken Your Genes and Discover Hidden Talents

Thank you so much!

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