Thursday, September 19, 2013

Hiroshi Yamauchi

Family Computer
Former Nitendo head Hiroshi Yamauchi passed away at 85. He made Nitendo as a worldwide company. 

In 1889, Nitendo was a playing cards (Hanafuda) company but they made the "Game and Watch" in 1980. We loved it so much when we were a kid. Everybody had one and we wanted keep it in our hands all the time like cell phone. In 1983, they made
"Family computer (Nentendo Entertainment System: NES)".

We played "Super Mario Bros". It was a sensational game for us. I think we played it every day, every time. My mom said to me, "you will be so stupid, so cut it out!". But I couldn't stop. I played like crazy. Mario was made by Shigeru Miyamoto.

Gunpei Yokoi helped Shigeru Miyamoto a lot. These two made today's
Nitendo with Hiroshi Yamauchi. I still love the Nitendo's products.
They brought a fantastic home entertainment to us. 

May he rest in peace.
Thank you so much, Mr. Yamauchi. 

Game & Watch

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